Афганское колье - племенное украшение. Афганистан или Пакистан (Кандагар или Кветта), народность Хазара, конец 20-го века
Афганское колье - племенное украшение.
Афганистан или Пакистан (Кандагар или Кветта), народность Хазара, конец 20-го века.
Металл, иранские монеты 80-х годов 20-го века, цветное стекло, ручная работа.
Матерчатый плетеный шнурок добавлен позднее.
Максимальная длина колье - 700 мм.
Вес - 51 г.
Vintage Afghan Hazara People Kuchi Tribal Necklace
Afghanistan, Kandhagar, Hazara People
End of 20th century
Material - Alpaca (Tribal alloy of mixed base metals),
Inserts - Glass.
Syntetical Cord (recently added).
Maximum Lenght of the Necklace - 700 mm. (27 ")
Weight - 51 g. (1,5 Oz)
Hazara - people in Central Afghanistan (Hazarajat) and South-West Pakistan. The unlike most of its neighbors, the Sunni, the Hazaras, Shiite. Hazara have Mongolian roots and are not related to the Khazars, who inhabited in the middle ages the Volga region.
For jewelry art Hazaras, absorbed many of the traditions the skill of the Pashtun and other peoples of Central Asia the typical decorations with lots of chains and small pendants, sometimes made of brass, but often of the alloy, traditionally obtained by melting old jewelry and coins.
Hazara`s Adornments in most cases, have a planar solution, decorated with filigree and applied stamped decoration in the form of rosettes, or zoomorphic images.
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