Александр Емельянов.
серьги "Кобра Уаджет".
Медь, горячая перегородчатая эмаль, серебряная фурнитура.
Длина - 65 мм.
Вес одной сережки - 7 г.
2019 г.
Кобра Уаджет (Уаджит)
Древнеегипетское женское Божество, дочь солнечного бога Ра. Изображение кобры (Урей или Иарет) - неизменный атрибут-защитник царской короны в Древнем Египте, символ власти фараона. Змея с солнечным диском символизировала духа-хранителя, призванного защищать своего хозяина от опасностей и врагов. Также богиня Уаджит в образе кобры являлась хранительницей и покровительницей Нижнего Египта (дельты Нила).
Alexandr Emelyanov - Earrings in Egyptian style - Cobra Wajet (Ancient Egyptian Symbol of Protection).
Copper base, Silver Hooks, Hot Cloisonne Enamel, 100% Handmade
Lenght - 65 mm. (2,5 ")
Weight of one earring - 7 g. (1/4 Oz).
Made by Alexandr Emelyanov in 2019.
It`s a unique art work made in ancient cloisonne technique with using author's special high temperature enamels.
Emelyanov Alexandr. (born in 1976)
Russian artist based in in St-Petersburg, Working in oil painting and a rare ancient technique of cloisonne - hot enamel on copper.
In his works he uses the symbols of ancient cultures, sacral heomethry, eastern ornaments, the sufi symbolic, early Christian symbols, etc.
Hot enamel keeps its colors for centuries, it`s the one of the most long-lasting techniques of applied arts.
Every work of cloisonne is precious, unique, exists only in a single exemplar and may became your family jewel.
Cobra Wajet (Wajit)
Ancient Egyptian female Deity, daughter of the sun god Ra. The image of a Cobra (Uraeus or Jareth) is an invariable attribute-the defender of the royal crown in ancient Egypt, a symbol of the power of the pharaoh. The snake with the sun disk symbolized the guardian spirit, designed to protect its owner from dangers and enemies. Also, the goddess Wajit (literally means "green") in the form of a cobra was the guardian and patroness of Lower Egypt (the Nile Delta). As a fire-spitting serpent Wajet was equated with the royal uraeus and in the end became the "Eye of Ra".
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