Старый афганский племенной браслет "Баху" (bahu).
Афганистан, первая половина - середина 20-го века.
Серебросодержащий сплав.
ручная работа.
Вставки - цветное стекло
Длина - 90 мм.
Внутренний диаметр - 65+ мм.
Вес - 120 г.
Old Pakistani Tribal Balochi people Boho Kuchi Bracelet with Glass.
Pakistan, Balochi-Pashtoon Tribes. Vintage, middle of 20`th century.
Metal - "Alpaca" or "Gillet" (Tribal alloy of mixed silver-base metals), inserts - Glass
Lenght of the bracelet - 90 mm (3,5 ").
Inner diametr - 65 mm (2,5 ").
Opening gap - adjustable.
Weight: 120 g. (4,2 Oz).
The bracelet has scuffs from long wearing.
One of the most popular forms of Pashtun tribal jewelry. Such bracelets are called "Bahu" (push.) or "choori" (Farsi), sometimes reach impressive sizes, tightly fit the wrist and connect the pin.
It is believed that the shape of these bracelets came from combat armor.
Such kind of bracelet produced either from the chased and openwork cuted metal sheet and soldered strips of metal, or casing, and then is complemented by embossed from sheet or repousse elements.
1. Karolina Krzywicka. Ethnic Jewellery of Afghanistan. From theAsia and Pacific Museum in Warsaw - Warzawa: 2012. - p. 62-63.
2. Wolf-Dieter Seiwert. Jewellery from the Orient. Treasures from the Bir Collection. / Wolf-Dieter Slwert – Stuttgart: Arnoldshe 2009 – p. 180.
3. Alfred Janata. Schmuck in Afganistan. / Janata A. - Graz: Akademische Druck – u. Verlagsanstalt, 1981. - s. 113.
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