Афганское племенное кольцо с сердоликом. Восточный Афганистан, северный Пакистан или Кашмир, вторая половина 20-го века - снято с продажи для создания выставочного фонда
Афганское племенное кольцо с сердоликом.
Восточный Афганистан, северный Пакистан или Кашмир, вторая половина 20-го века
Серебро (около 80%), ковка, скань, гравировка, чеканка.
Вставки - сердолик, цветное стекло.
Диаметр печатки - 13 мм.
Высота от пальца - 10 мм.
Вес - 8 г.
Размер - 18,5
Vintage Afghan Tribal Kuchi Ring with Aqeeq Carnelian
Easthern Afghanistan, mid 20 century.
Silver Alloy (pure silver about 70 percent)
Forging, engraving, handmade
Insert - Carnelian (Aqeeq)
Insert size diametr - 13 mm (0,5 ")
Size - 18,5 (8,5 for USA)
Carnelian is the one of the oldest gems in human culture and always has a magical properties.
In Ancient Egypt, carnelian was associated with the goddess Sekhmet - the terrible incarnation of the goddess hator, its sacred meaning was associated with vital energy, blood, heat of the sun. This stone was brought from distant India and it was valued at a weight of gold.
In the beliefs of pre-Islamic Central Asia, this stone was considered the bearer of the power of sunlight, with magical powers, able to keep alive from death and disease, happiness and peace.
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