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Серебряный афганский перстень в казахском стиле. Афганистан, современная работа - Размер - 19,5

Серебряный афганский перстень в казахском стиле. Афганистан, современная работа
Серебряный афганский перстень в казахском стиле. Афганистан, современная работа
Серебряный афганский перстень в казахском стиле.
Афганистан, современная работа.
Серебро, филигрань, зернь.
Вставка - стекло на красной подложке.
Размер печатки - 21/13 мм.
Высота от пальца -  11 мм.
Размер - 19,5.
Вес - 12 г.
Образец "городского" ювелирного искусства афганских мастеров-туркмен.
В Афганистане с давних пор изготовляется большое количество украшений, как в традиционном народном стиле казахских этнических украшений, так и стилизованные, но с безупречным соблюдением традиционных технических приемов обработки материалов.
В 19 веке такие украшения изготовлялись для прикаспийских казахов.
Vintage Afghan Kazakh Style Huge Silver Ring
Afghanistan, Turkmen Silversmiths, end of 20th century.
Sterling silver, filigree, granulation,
Size is 19,5 (9,5 for USA)
The wearing of gold jewelry in Islamic countries is never forbidden, but not encouraged by the Qur'an and Sunnah. Gold jewelry was considered as belonging to the underworld, like the wine they will be available only to the righteous in Paradise, according to Islamic teachings. Some hadith condemn the wearing of men's gold jewelry, including rings. Silver this prohibition does not apply, it is believed that the Prophet had a silver ring with a carnelian seal that he certify the authenticity of their documents.
The example of this and other similar products shows the influence of the Kazakh style on the products of Afghan jewelers. In particular - the triangular embossed overlays imitating grains and forming a laconic toothed ornament in combination with a smooth gilded background-a characteristic technique in the Kazakh jewelry art.
Kazakh Style in Afghan jewelry. 
Since the old Times Afghan Zergers (the silversmiths) was known as the best jewellers in the Middle Asia. 
Till the beginning of the 20th century they produced jewelry for sale in other regions, especially for the Kazakh tribes in Turkestan. Since that time Kazakh Style has been very popular in the Afghanistan too. And now, the Turkmen jewellers in Northern Afghanistan and Pakistan produces Silver jewelry in the traditions of Kazakh Metalwork.



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