Александр Емельянов.
кулон "Золото" (древнеегипетский амулет)
Медь, горячая перегородчатая эмаль
Размер без кольца - 40/26 мм.
2018 г.
Древнеегипетский иероглиф, означающий “золото”, “богатство”. В Древнем Египте золото – атрибут богов, вечный металл, над которым не властно время. Египтяне считали, что золото является плотью богов.
Alexandr Emelyanov - Pendant in Egyptian style - "The Gold"
Copper, Hot Cloisonne Enamel, 100% Handmade
Size - 40/26 mm. (1,6/1 ")
Made by Alexandr Emelyanov in 2018.
It`s a unique art work made in ancient cloisonne technique with using author's special high temperature enamels.
Based on motif of Ancient Egyptian Jewelry.
Emelyanov Alexandr. (born in 1976)
Russian artist based in in St-Petersburg, Working in oil painting and a rare ancient technique of cloisonne - hot enamel on copper.
In his works he uses the symbols of ancient cultures, sacral heomethry, eastern ornaments, the sufi symbolic, early Christian symbols, etc.
Hot enamel keeps its colors for centuries, it`s the one of the most long-lasting techniques of applied arts.
Every work of cloisonne is precious, unique, exists only in a single exemplar and may became your family jewel.
Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph meaning "gold", "wealth". In Ancient Egypt, gold is an attribute of the gods, an eternal metal over which time has no power. The Egyptians believed that gold is the flesh of the gods.
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