Александр Емельянов.
кулон "Осирис".
Медь, горячая перегородчатая эмаль.
Размер - 43/28 мм.
2021 г.
Сын Бога земли Геба и Богини неба Нут. Мифологически считается первым царем Египта, предательски убитым своим братом Сетом, но воскрешенным из мертвых своим сыном Гором и Богиней Изидой. В последствии Осирис стал царем загробного мира, царем мертвых. В представлении древних Египтян Осирис также связывался с циклами смены сезонов года, “умирания” и “воскресения” природы. Осирис воплощал в себе одновременно и человека и Бога - существо, с которым в силу его страданий и смерти люди могли отождествлять себя более, чем с другими Богами. Кроме того он даровал надежду на воскрешение, обретение вечной жизни для тех, кто с честью прошел испытание “взвешивания души” в загробном царстве.
Alexandr Emelyanov - Osiris - Pendant in Egyptian Style. Copper, Hot Cloisonne Enamel, 100% Handmade
Copper, Hot Cloisonne Enamel, 100% Handmade
Lenght - 43 mm. (1,7 ")
Made by Alexandr Emelyanov in 2021.
Emelyanov Alexandr. (born in 1976)
Russian artist based in in St-Petersburg, Working in oil painting and a rare ancient technique of cloisonne - hot enamel on copper.
In his works he uses the symbols of ancient cultures, sacral heomethry, eastern ornaments (especially Turkish and Byzantium), the sufi symbolic, early Christian symbols, etc.
Hot enamel keeps its colors for centuries, it`s the one of the most long-lasting techniques of applied arts.
Every work of cloisonne is precious, unique, exists only in a single exemplar and may became your family jewel.
Son of the earth God Heb and the sky Goddess Nut. Mythologically, it is considered the first king of Egypt, treacherously killed by his brother Seth, but raised from the dead by his son Horus and the Goddess Isis. Subsequently, Osiris became the king of the afterlife, the king of the dead. In the view of the ancient Egyptians, Osiris was also associated with the cycles of changing seasons, “dying” and “resurrection” of nature. Osiris embodied both man and God - a being with whom, because of his suffering and death, people could identify themselves more than with other Gods. In addition, he gave hope for resurrection, finding eternal life for those who passed the test of “weighing the soul” in the afterlife.
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